Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Not Forsaken

 Many a time we feel the Lord has left us in the lurch

We feel like Job

Then we look at ourselves and we say ‘no this is not the kind of thing that happened to Job. I was never in fullness to THAT extent. I'm just meant to suffer as I've chosen to be a Christian. Maybe I'm not good enough so God does not even consider my life

In fact we always come up lower than the next unbelieving person

Our fortunes seem to be growing worse by the year and not better

When we started off on this journey, things were actually much better

There also comes a time when we wish for the past life

We become like the Israelites when they were out in the desert

Wishing for the past trails as we cannot yet see the light at the end of the tunnel

All around us seems to be much worse than where we're coming from

In fact, we are at a stage where we are saying  better the devil I know than the devil I don’t


Do you with al your heart of hearts believe God has forsaken you?

He has promised to never leave you

And His promises He keeps

Be patient and know this more on top of His promise never to leave you


I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. Psalms 37:25


So let us stay on His path no matter how low the station in life we seem to be at. We will rise once again and we will never be that low.

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