This is what I’ve done at some point in different congregations
I’ve classified the people into different groups and made conclusions just by observation
The ones who’ve got the mannerisms of true believers
The ones who look like they’re here just for the sake of attendance
The ones who look out of place, some look like they’re trying to find a place to hide
The ones who know when to shout halleluiah! And amen! as if on cue
The ones who just will not sing along to any song though looking at the hymn book
Those who groove to the music
Those who sing and praise with all their heart
Those who appear to not be able to stop talking during preaching
Those who just want people to notice they’re wearing a new outfit
Those who want to be noticed
Those who don’t want to be noticed
Those who just cannot wait for the service to be over
Those peacefully in dreamland
Those who know why they’re here
Those who cannot locate the Bible reading in their Bible
Those with very new Bibles which remain unopened throughout the service
Those with well covered Bibles with a notebook by the side and beautiful bookmarkers
Those with well worn Bibles and seem to have the Bible reading already marked by the way the owner quickly locates the Bible reading
Those without a Bible or hymn book in sight
Those who know all the songs by heart and cheerfully sing throughout the service
Those who look burdened
Those who look so at home
Those who smile at everyone they make contact with
Those who seem to know everyone
Those whom everyone knows
Those whom no one knows or cares to know
Those who look dirty and unkempt for church
Those who have not dressed appropriately for church
Those who’ve forgotten in whose house they are in
The list is endless
I have made observations and unfair conclusions many a time
It’s only now that I’m asking myself to which group I belong to
I don’t really belong to any
If anything, I belong to all
I’ve been one of those people at some time
Some times by choice, sometimes by ignorance, and sometimes becoz of sin
I look back and I’m glad I’ve advanced from the negative traits to the good ones
I know whose house I’m going to even before the Sunday service and I prepare myself spiritually
I’m aware that there will be confrontation in the physical and in the spirit in each service
Moments mean a lot
We need to account for each moment in our life
Our life is the church we attend daily as Christians
We do not have church on Sundays as Christians
With each waking breath we need to acknowledge that it’s another day at church and someone new is looking at us to see if they can fellowship with us.
Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger. -Proverbs 19:15
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
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